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About Olaronke Productions

Olaronke Productions

Olaronke Productions intends to tell authentic, honest, and inspiring stories about black people both on the continent of Africa and in the diaspora. The name Olaronke is a Yoruba name from the CEO's mother's middle name. Olaronke means wealth surrounds me. Our stories are our wealth. The African tradition is built on oral history. It is our goal to spread our wealth around (our stories) to uplift, inspire and teach as many as we can.  We intend on building bridges one story at a time.  


Meet Our Team

Sherifat A. Mohammed

Founder & CEO

Sherifat A. Mohammed is a Yoruba-American Muslim actress, director, producer, journalist, voice-over artist and writer. Raised in East Point, GA- she studied theatre at Tri-Cities, a performance arts magnet high school. She currently works in the media field. In addition to working in media, she has worked in the nonprofit sector for close to 20 years. Sherifat holds a bachelor’s degree in journalism and a master’s degree in organizational communication.

Rashidat Mohammed

VP and Business Manager

Rashidat Mohammed is the owner and CEO of RMohammed Photography, a branch of Taste the World Media Group. She is the executive business manager of Olaronke Productions. By day she is a  public health professional.

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